All in Leticia Rae

Being Mindfully Transparent

I think it’s GREAT when we can be honest and transparent about how we are feeling in the moment. What’s not so great is when we don’t take into consideration the people we are affecting with how we express our feelings. It’s so powerful to be able to express how we feel, but we can’t go around emotionally vomiting on everyone. That’s not the way to get our point across. And it’s not the way to attract healthy relationships.

I've learned...

I’ve learned that it’s okay to be vulnerable with people; they won’t always reject us. By sharing who we are and our experiences, we can help someone and create new friendships.

When it feels scary to jump...JUMP

If we never take risks in life, we never know where we can go, and who we truly are.  Staying in our comfort zone keeps us in the life we've always known.  Stepping out, taking risks and pushing ourselves gives us a chance for something new.  If we want something different, we have to do something different. 

Rebuilding myself...

Years ago, I remember sitting in my living room feeling empty, bored, tired and depressed.  It seemed like everybody around me was busy.  It wasn't just that they were busy, but their lives seemed full.  They were doing things that mattered to them.  I, on the other hand, was just surviving.  

The Battle In My Head.

When I’m triggered by someone or something, two voices pop into my head. One makes me feel like a victim. How dare they do that. Not this again. You must not be worth it. These voices stir up bitterness and resentment towards others and myself. I don’t like thinking these kind of thoughts and I do not like feeling this way.

Life IS about balance.

When we approach each day with balance in mind, we will feel more energized and be able to accomplish what we want and need to.  Don’t be fooled into thinking or feeling that doing more things will burn you out.

What is a Cleft Mommy?

The thing to remember is that no amount of guilt will change or help anything.  So, it’s best just to accept, be grateful and then let it go.  When I let go of the guilt and any other negative feelings I was having, it made room for strength and courage to deal with the obstacles that followed.

Gratitude Quotes by Leticia Rae

“I believe that making gratitude a daily habit can change your life because you are focused on the good in your life that already exists.  By doing this, you not only invite more blessings into your life by being open to them, but you let go of the fear that blocks.”  -Leticia Rae