Parents with Teenagers - Words of Encouragement

Parents with Teenagers - Words of Encouragement

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"A lot of parents expect the teen years to be filled with stress, anxiety and arguing. They expect to have a lot of confrontation with their teens. I don't think it has to be this way. Yes, having teens will be stressful at times. Yes, there will be ups and downs and heated discussions. But, I'm a big believer in open communication, mutual respect and taking the time to listen to what your teen wants to say. That doesn't mean you have to agree, it just means your teen deserves to be heard. I have two daughters, ages 18 and 15. While we absolutely have our share of drama in our house, we've built a strong relationship on trust and respect. We talk a lot, even about topics that can be uncomfortable. I always remind myself that my daughters don't need me to be their best friend right now, they need me to be their Mom. It's a job I don't take lightly and one I'm honored to have."  Dara Hirsch Kurtz of Crazy Perfect Life and author of Crush Cancer.


"Parenting is not easy. When you are in the midst of the teenage years, it can seem overwhelming.  Building and fostering a true authentic connection with your child is one of the most important things that you can do as a parent. As hard as it is, we need to try to remember that we were teenagers once. What was that like for you? When we come from a place of compassion and understanding, we can connect more deeply with our child and open the door to communication and connection, helping our child to navigate, grow, and thrive."  Sue DeCaro of and Building Connected Communities.

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"Take the time to sit down with your kids and let them tell you all of the little things when they are little. If you do, they will take the time to sit down and tell you all the big things when they are bigger."   Bruce Van Horn of @brucevh, author of Worry No More and creator of Life Is A Marathon Podcast.

"We have to remember that at all times our children learn by what we do and not what we say."  Steven Aitchison 

"There will come a point when our teenagers think they know more than us and it’s at that point you have to let them go a little and make their own mistakes."  Steven Aitchison

"You never truly know what love is until your son or daughter hugs you and says thank you."  Steven Aitchison

"It’s crazy but I used to think that once my children grew up and became teenagers that being a parent would be easier, but then you realise it’s just a different level of learning they require from you."  Steven Aitchison

Every year, there’s an element of letting go of your children to let them experience life for themselves. That’s when you have to trust yourself, knowing that you have given them the values, principles and self belief to make it on their own, but knowing you will always have their back.   Steven Aitchison of @ChangeYourThoughtsToday, creator of Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life and Your Digital Formula.


"It might not be so much WHAT we say to our teenagers but HOW we say it to them that holds the key. Start treating them and communicating with them more like the young adults they are trying to become. Don’t take any of it personally."  Louise Clarke of Your Parenting Partner and creator of


"My best advice for parents of teens is to welcome the spirit of adventure. I recommend traveling to a new place and to experience it for the first time TOGETHER. Adventure brings out the leader in everyone—and traveling to new places, forces everyone to have to make decisions together, as partners. Simple things like looking at maps, making arrangements, scheduling your day with excursions will require you to each lean into each other. Your teen will see you with new eyes as the person that you are (figuring things out like everyone else) and you’ll see your teen with new eyes, too—able to make decisions. You’ll each lean into your strengths naturally and appreciate each other as individuals (not the parent/child role) with new found respect for each other."  Maria Flynn of One Wise Life and author of Funk To Freedom. 


"Raising teenagers doesn't have to be as traumatic as most people make it out to be. We struggle to give them room, protect them, be a parent and be a friend when all they really need is space, a little guidance and an understanding ear. Can you remember what it was like when you were a teenager? Try to fit in, try to be liked, try to be the cool kid, etc. Today's teenagers have more challenges than we ever did. Be patient with them and know that they need to express themselves, fall down and that they have a parent who will always be there to help them back up"  Iva Ursano of Amazing Me Movement and

If you would like to submit words of encouragement, please email to be considered or please feel free to comment below.  

Thank you,

<3  Leticia

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