How can we transmute negativity into positivity?

How can we transmute negativity into positivity?

Positive Mind, Positive Vibes, Positive Life

We cannot have a negative mind and a negative vibe and expect to have a positive life.

We wake up stiff, we don’t feel well, negative thoughts creep in and that can affect our day…if we let it! We don’t always have control of these initial experiences, but we can turn anything around by how we choose to react and deal with them. How can we move from this negativity to positivity? So many ways! Here are some…

When we cannot change the circumstance, we can change the way we think about it, how we feel about it and how we respond to it.

When we change how we think, feel and respond to something, this doesn’t mean that we turn a blind eye, lie to ourselves or others about it or deny it. I believe that becoming more fully aware of each side of the circumstance can offer us an opportunity to understand the situation more fully. To get to the positivity, it can take a lot of compassion and empathy. If we are unwilling to see a situation or people without the lenses of judgment, we will be unable to see their truth. When we become open to the deeper truths, we unwrap the negativity and we release the fear associated with the judgment. We become lighter and more positive. We become less defensive and more patient. We can still have the tough conversations, but more effectively and efficiently.

Our surroundings affect our vibe.

Who we interact with and how we interact with them affects our vibe. Have you ever had a day that was going peacefully until you had a negative interaction with someone? It’s kind of like stepping in dog crap. You clean it off the best you can but you always feel like it is still there…lingering. We cannot always avoid these situations, but we can do our best to move past it. Getting to a place of compassion for them, burning sage, going on a walk, journalling…just to name a few.

The state of our home affects our vibe. When my home is a mess, I feel like it’s a reflection of my mind. The more I clean, organize and decorate, the better my mind feels and the better the vibe in my life is all around. Burning sage, diffusing essential oils, lighting candles and having plants in your home are some great ways to increase the vibe in your home.

How we respond to situations that arise make all the difference. The annoying coworker, the dog barking, the loud chewer, the mess in the house, the fighting from the kids, the careless driver, the emotional trigger…whatever it is, how you choose to respond to it can make it worse or make it better. If my 18 year old daughter give me attitude, I have two choices. Do I get emotional or do I take a deep breath and handle it logically and calmly?

My emotional response might be to be rude back. That would only escalate the issue and make us both feel badly. My logical and calm response might be to tell her “please don’t talk to me like that, what’s going on, how can I help?” Because logically I know that her giving me attitude has nothing to do with me. This response would make me feel better about myself as a mother, help her by letting her know that I am here and helping us both feel a little better.

It is not always easy to just decide to be positive and then POOF we’re good. It takes awareness and intentional work.

What are some ways that you are able to turn your negativity around?

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