Life is better when you're LAUGHING - Silly Quotes

Life is better when you're LAUGHING - Silly Quotes

Life is better when you’re LAUGHING - Silly Quotes

Sometimes we just need to forget about everything and enjoy a little humor and silliness. I hope these uplift your spirits even a tiny bit today. Sending you all so much Joy and Love! <3 Leticia Rae

Life is better when you’re laughing, crying happy tears and saying ‘Awwwww.’


This too shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

When 5 planets are in retrograde, AND it’s eclipse season!

Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy.

-Girl Interrupted

On the chocolate package it says...


Here’s to all those in the awakening community sharing knowledge…even if everyone else thinks you’re a nutjob.

That horrifying moment when you're looking for an adult but then realize that you are an adult. So you look for an older adult, someone successfully adulting. An adultier adult.

If thought bubbles appeared above my head, I'd be screwed.

This is how paper beats rock.

I know you feel anxious but don't forget the part where you are badass.


You can't be sad if you're holding a cupcake.

Perspective is everything! Optimist is the best way to see life!

I swear I have it all together. I just forgot where I put it.

Research has shown that laughing for 2 minutes is just as healthy as a 20 minute jog. So now I'm sitting in the park laughing at all the joggers.

Attitude makes a difference! How do you choose to see things?

STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS!


If only I had checked myself.

-guy who wrecked himself

Anxietea, you are going to be okay and you are perfect just the way you are!

Smile! Don't be sad. Sad spelled backwards is Das and Das not good.

Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree. That makes it a plant. Chocolate is salad.

Baby llama don't need NO drama!


Dear stress, let’s break up.

My soulmate is out there somewhere, pushing a pull door...I just know it.

When people ask where I see myself in 50 years…

When nothing goes right... Go Left.

Smile like a monkey with a new banana.

How rainbows are made...

Awesome things will happen today if you choose not to be a miserable cow.


Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

Weirdmaste: The weirdness in me honors the weirdness in you.

Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles.


What can I say... I swear like a sailor & use please and thank you like a saint... I'm complicated.

Never give up on your dreams.

Bring me chocolate and no one gets hurt.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito in the room.

-Dalai Lama

When you love so many people but you're also an introvert and have boundaries.

Today I will live in the moment. Unless the moment is unpleasant, in which case I will eat a cookie.


I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned.

therapist: you need to open up more

me: i can't

therapist: why not

me: let me visualise for you

Some days you're the dog, some days the hydrant.

Don't be negative, go out and enjoy life.

Sometimes I pretend to be normal...but it gets boring. So I go back to being me instead.

Stop trying to make everybody happy. You aren't chocolate.

When you are waiting for your friends and family to take the red pill.

When life shuts a it again. It's a door. That's how they work.


When you can't remember my name, just say "chocolate" or "cake" and I'll turn around.

Oh, Crap! Was that today? (Unicorns missed the boat.)

Maybe swearing will help....


Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most important, laugh at yourself.

-Chelsea Handler

The real reason evolution started…

Why be moody when you can shake yo booty?

There's a fine line between genius & crazy...I'd like to use that line as a jump rope.

Sending positive vibes your way!

Replace what-ifs and should-haves with fuck-yeahs and no-regrets.

Ever make mistakes in life? Let's make them birds. Yeah, they're birds now.

-Bob Ross

When a sad song comes on in the car and you look out the window and pretend you’re in a music video.

Sometimes you need to talk to a three year old so you can understand life again.

Be HAPPY! It drives people crazy.

I officially resign from adulthood. Decisions will be made using the Eenie-meenie-minie-moe method and arguments will be settled by stick out my tongue. I’ll be at recess if you need me.

If you don't like where you are, MOVE! You are not a tree...

My doctor asked me if I had ever had a stress test..."Yes," I replied..."it's called LIFE."

I’m not bossy! I have skills…leadership skills!! Understand?

If cauliflower can somehow become pizza... You, my friend, can do ANYTHING!

I tried to act normal, 'Worst 5 minutes' of my life.

When you’re sleeping on the couch and someone wakes you up and tells you to go to your bed.

The divorce rate among my socks is astonishing.

Carl, you’re going to get out there and you’re going to catch that red dog.

Yall ever just laugh at something REALLLYY dark and just sit there like…….what’s wrong with me?

Respect your parents. They passed school without Google.

When I try to fit in with other people.

My room is not messy, it is an obstacle course designed to keep me fit.

Plot twist. Waldo finds himself.

When something goes wrong in your life, just yell "PLOT TWIST!" and move on.

I made such a mess of my life that it turned into art.

-Matt Baker

An actual photo of me on an emotional roller coaster.

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily.

How wonderful it is that we laugh because our bodies cannot contain the joy!

My phone be like -1.

Whatever you do, always give 100% unless you're donating blood.

I'm gonna go outside. So if anyone asks, I'm outstanding.

When someone thinks you’re normal but then you invite them over and see all your crystals and books on chakras.

It's been a rough week, but I didn't need bail money and I don't have a body count, so it could have been worse.

When everything is going to shit but you made a decision a long time ago to be happy no matter what.

I am unable to quit as I am currently too legit.

thug life? drop the t son, bring it here.

Mom texts:
I've had it. I'm selling my kids on ebay.

Don't be silly. You made him. That's what etsy is for.

This mirror makes me look ripped.


Some days I amaze myself. Other days I look for my phone while I'm holding it.

How is your spiritual life going?

When someone hits you with a salty response and finishes it with “Namaste.” The salt in me sees the salt in you.

What is soy milk is just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish.

If you eat cake fast enough, your fitbit will think you're walking.

When I meditate the neighbors know.

Morning meditation got me like...

My mama said I can't hang with you no mo cuz yo negative energy is gon block my blessings.

This is me blocking negative vibrations.

Today is the day, I can feel it. Today I will catch that tail.

"We attract what we fear..." OMG! I am so scared of eating everything I want and not gaining any weight!

It's okay to fall apart. Tacos do it all the time and we still love them!

When your spirit guides keep telling you it's time to work on a deep emotional wound you've been suppressing for years.

I'm sorry for what I said when my chakras weren't aligned.

There's power in looking silly and not caring that you do.

me throwing some fake positivity on my bad mood

Your laughter is sunshine to my heart.

I can't control everything. My hair was put on my head to remind me of that.

Before there was emojis, there was Lucy.

I'm a leader, not a follower. Unless it's dark, then you're going first.

Sometimes my greatest accomplishment is just keeping my mouth shut.

When someone shows up without letting me know they're coming over.

What do you call a sad strawberry?

Life is short! If you can't laugh at yourself...Call, I will!

When you gained a little weight but still cute with a good personality.

Unicorns are real. A mermaid told me.

What did the sushi say to the bee?

This picture was taken before and after telling her she can do anything she sets her mind to.

Life is always rocky when you're a gem.

Be a mess. It's fine. The universe is a mess. Galaxies are drifting all over the place. To be tidy is to be out of tune with the cosmos.

When you're cooking & the recipe says "chill in the fridge for one hour."

Some days you eat salads and go to the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants. It's called BALANCE!

Try to smile and find a way to laugh a little each day.

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